Saturday, 10 April 2010

Saturday in the shop...

What a day man! Things that were supposed to happen didn't today and it seemed like everything was...well...a bit shit. But thanks to Benny, Zippy, Spindle and Dave the day ended on a high.

This is what chopper building is all about. Your buddies helping you out when you needed it.
Thanks Men!

Now look at my pics...
Spindle's PIMP is getting there

Benny and Zippy decided to race their bikes. Benny is riding a Panhead whilst Zippy rides his Ironhead
Shovel Love...Lovely!


Brian 'Spoo' Spour said...

Nice one bro'!

seb said...

great the way, i'm assuming that's your shovel, and it's looking great. much more to do? with that and trawler's, 4-speed frames are going tov be 'this years must have accessory'!